Quick Eat

11:27:00 PM

Eggs, Salmon and Cheese

For lunch today, I had grilled salmon. Sort of grilled salmon. XD

I have some salmon in the ‘prime fresh’ section of my fridge... Why not have it for lunch?

  1. I defrosted the salmon and put it in a microwave safe bowl/dish.
  2. Ground some pepper and sprinkled some salt. (If you're gonna put in lots of cheese after this, you don't have to put salt)
  3. On grilled fish setting, let the microwave spin until the salmon starts to pale.
  4. Take out the bowl, crack in an egg and mix it. Put in some cheese. Any type of cheese.
  5. On the same setting, spin till the cheese melts or until the egg is cooked to your liking.
  6. Chop up some green onions and garnish. Or put lots if you want more greens.
I like runny eggs so I only let it spin for a minute and a half.

Not every microwave has the same setting or microwaves at the same heat.
It's best to note down the time that is best for a particular dish and for the number of servings.

So get familiar with your microwave oven and you'll be able to have a perfect quick dish every time :D

Happy cooking!

