Favorite/Memorable Place

5:33:00 PM

If you were to ask me what or where my favorite or memorable place is, there can never be an absolute answer.

But, that would be just too vague, wouldn't it?

A memorable place would be Disneyland.
I've mentioned in my bio that it was a place that I miss.
Alright, so I didn't exactly travel to Disneyland that is in Anaheim, California. It was the one in Hong Kong.
My family and I were in town so we used the last day of the vacation week to have some fun there.
Though it might not be Disneyland HQ, the place was huge! We were short on time so we didn't get to explore every nook and cranny of the park. Though it was short-lived, the experience was wonderful~

A few taken from my brother's HTC Mozart [In the year 2011│Too many to upload]
We were there just in time to watch the parade :D

Look at that face....

The parade~ Saw all the princesses, Tinkerbell~ Almost all the classic characters from Disney movies and shows

Character Boards~

A favorite place that I go to every week. Grandma's house ❤
There isn't much to say about it, except for the fact my childhood memories revolve around that home and everything that surrounds it.

Hills to climb, a pond I used to swim in, a neighborhood free of obstruction...

The residents in the neighborhood are mainly my relatives. Grand aunts and uncles, aunts and uncles, my grandparents and also my cousin.
This neighborhood is where I learned to ride a bike, climb hills, watch grandpa pull the shotgun trigger when he hunts [BANG!], get dirty and don't give a damn if I get hurt...
I'm thankful that I was given the opportunity to experience outdoor living, before internet was everything!
Grandma's house is enchanting in it's own way. I love the cats~ The dogs~ The gardens to fall in love with...
Pebbles~ Wonder how long my grandpa took to spell it out

My favorite places...
School...? The sports field... The waiting area in school... The playground near my regular cafe [which isn't in business anymore]

To say it in just plain thought...
Whether it be an imagination, a dream, a place I can go back to or not, or maybe even just a spot right under a tree,
My favorite place would be where my memories can be created and never be forgotten. ☺

Those freaking pictures that aren't aligning themselves... WTH YOU DOING!?

